Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:45:49 AM.


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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yesterday a Clean Money Dayconference (about the buying of politicians by corporations) was held, with the screening of the film The Big Buy.

ProgressiveStatesNetwork: "At the core of many voters' frustrations with government is the sense that, too often, politics is for sale. High-priced lobbyists offering 'gifts' to lawmakers swarm state legislatures; companies looking for public contracts get too cozy with those handing out public money; and corporate campaign contributions grease the wheels as public policy is auctioned to the highest corporate bidder."

PublicCampaignAction: "A recent bipartisan survey of likely voters nationwide by Lake Research Partners and Bellwether Research shows a significant majority of voters, across party lines, support publicly-funded elections. In the wake of lobbyist scandals, the soaring costs of campaigns, and discontent with Washington, voters are hungry for a more open, clean, and fair system of campaign funding."
11:23:47 AM    

Rush Limbaugh - who has his 'talent on loan from God' and can lie as if there is no tomorrow, is a prescription drug addict. Yes, America's extremist conservative was caught again, this time with an illegal bottle of Viagra.

Wikipedia: "On his June 27, 2006 show he joked about the occurrence, saying he had no idea how Bob Dole's luggage was on his airplane, and then said his doctor misunderstood him when he said he had concerns about the upcoming election.
Limbaugh also joked that Customs officials did not believe him when he told them that he got the pills from the Clinton Library. Rush Limbaugh also mentioned that he had a great time in the Dominican Republic (known for its sex tourism) and he wished that he could talk more about his vacation experience in that country with his listeners."
11:09:32 AM    

IOL: "The European Union today urged all nations to sign a global anti-torture convention, calling the practice cruel, inhuman and degrading not only to victims but to perpetrators."

IPS: "As new reports detail further abuse by the U.S. military of its prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, a behind-the-scenes battle is being fought between the U.S. departments of state and defence about whether a key section of the Geneva Conventions should be included in new rules governing Army interrogation techniques.
The Pentagon is pushing to omit from new detainee policies a central principle of the Geneva Conventions that explicitly bans humiliating and degrading treatment. Critics say such a step that would mark a further shift away from strict adherence to international human rights standards."

USAToday: "A majority of Americans say Congress should pass a resolution that outlines a plan for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday. Half of those surveyed would like all U.S. forces out within 12 months."
10:54:19 AM    

BBC: "A millionaire's daughter has been found guilty of killing an elderly woman after writing an 18-page murder manual.
Kemi Adeyoola was 17 when she stabbed 84-year-old Anne Mendel 14 times during a burglary in March 2005 at her home in Golders Green, north-west London.
Adeyoola was privately educated and her mother is said to have received a £4 million settlement on her divorce."

The obsession with money and violence pervades our modern society.
Guardian: "A 12-year-old girl took out a razorblade and slashed a classmate across the face four times in front of a teacher, a court heard today."

BrusselsJournal: "On Saturday afternoon Guido Demoor, a 54-year old Flemish train conductor on his way to work, was kicked to death by six youths on a crowded bus near Antwerp's Central Station."
10:43:24 AM    

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