Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 12:08:57 PM.


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Sunday, July 8, 2007

LATimes: "A Southland doctor's company prospers by canceling insurance contracts and, some say, shortchanging patients.
The 58-year-old cardiologist has scooped up six of his eight hospitals in the last two years and could take over as many as six more in the coming months.
What is more extraordinary is how Reddy is building his empire. Modern healthcare is largely based on the model in which insurers seek to control costs by paying fixed amounts to doctors and hospitals. Reddy is tearing that down.
When Reddy's company, Prime Healthcare Services Inc., takes over a hospital, it typically cancels insurance contracts, allowing the hospital to collect steeply higher reimbursements. It has suspended services - such as chemotherapy treatments, mental health care and birthing centers - that patients need but aren't lucrative."

The oath of Hippocrates. For the greedy neocon there is always a way out of decent behaviour, regulations, laws.
10:59:34 AM    

Reuters: "A senior French politician, now a minister in President Nicolas Sarkozy's government, suggested last year that U.S. President George W. Bush might have been behind the September 11, 2001 attacks, according to a website."
What we know for sure is that the Bush administration did everything to make 9/11 a complete success for the 'terrorists'.

NYTimes: "A secret military operation in early 2005 to capture senior members of Al Qaeda in Pakistan's tribal areas was aborted at the last minute after top Bush administration officials decided it was too risky and could jeopardize relations with Pakistan, according to intelligence and military officials."

BelfastTelegraph: "It has been claimed in reports today that up to eight people with possible links to al-Qaida are working for UK police forces."
The 'anti-terrorist' league and 'al-Qaeda' are the two sides of the same coin. They live in symbiosis. You can only fight a fierce war against several nations if you have something to fight against. Bush needs al-Qaeda.

The Orstrahyun: "The News.com.au website, the main portal for Murdoch's network of Australian newspaper websites, reaching some more than 1.5 million Australian readers per day, ran a number of headlines claiming John Howard had said that oil was now a key reason to stay in Iraq. Some of the headlines said the Iraq War was a war for oil. Just like all those protesters back in early 2003 claimed it would be.
By the time Howard moved to deny he said anything such thing, it was too late. The story was out, columns and articles had been written and sent to the printers for today's news racks, and there was no going back."

Reuters: "Soldiers on peacekeeping missions who witness atrocities are at risk of developing mental health problems, as are those exposed to combat, a large study of Canadian military personnel shows.
The findings, from a survey of 8,441 men and women on active duty, found that as many as 31 percent were in need of treatment for psychological problems, but most didn't get care, Dr. Jitender Sareen of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg and colleagues report."
10:53:54 AM    

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