Jim's Pond - Exploring the Universe of Ideas
"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It is as when a conflagration has broken out in a great city, and no man knows what is safe, or where it will end." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sunday, August 17, 2003

Blogging and other things

Yesterday I was listening to the radio while driving around. I happened to catch the Hugh Hewitt Show. It has a political flavor. The host and a guest were discussing the California recall election. I was about to change stations when the discussion turned to blogging.

Hewitt's guest was speculating that Arnold must start blogging to be successful in his California governor bid. Blogging is important and according to this analyst a political candidate should be posting at least twice a week.

Further discussion revealed that Rush Limbaugh had attacked blogging some time last week.I spent about five minutes this morning researching Limbaugh's comments. I couldn't find anything specifically stated by Rush. I did find some interesting blogs. Hewitt is an accomplished blogger. I checked out his site. He actively posts. His site is definitely political.

It appears that much of the negative blogging energy is focused on an article written by Dr. David Hill.

In the article Hill discusses the reasons why he thinks that blogging will never carry the political clout wielded by Rush. He outlines Rush's four key elements in his formula for success. These are:

1. Show Prep

2. Production Technique

3. Entertainment Value

4. Building a Personal Relationship

Hill doesn't say that all blogs lack these four elements. He does discuss the importance of each and how Rush uses them to his advantage. It is good advice. Advice all of us bloggers can use to produce a better product. Reviewing these four elements has already helped me with some philosophical issues. I put personal stories and insights into my blog and have wondered if that is appropriate. I know that bloggers who add a pesonal touch provide a greater interest to me. So from now on I will continue with the personal touches and dispense with some of my concerns for doing so.

And on a personal note:

The last two nights I attended the Davis County Fair & Rodeo. It's something that I didn't appreciate and didn't participate in when I was younger. For some reason I've learned to appreciate this sort of community activity. I've also come to appreciate the rural heritage of our country and my ability to participate in it.

Saturday evening I took my two-year-old nephew to the rodeo. He enjoyed the noise, the livestock and the action. I enjoyed being with him and witnessing the joy of new experiences through his eyes.........
8:44:15 PM    comment []

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Last Update: 2/16/05; 2:45:53 PM

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