Jim's Pond - Exploring the Universe of Ideas
"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It is as when a conflagration has broken out in a great city, and no man knows what is safe, or where it will end." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, March 20, 2004

URTA Cheer

On Thursday morning, in general session, the announcment was made that Cedar City had rejected committing sales tax receipts to the Utopia project. A cheer went through the crowd. URTA members where truly happy.

But I don't completely understand. Perhaps it is the brotherhood and kinship that all telcos feel for each other. Perhaps it is the threat of competition. It can't be that they are happy that consumers won't be getting a better opporunity at better service.

I'm not a particularly big fan of UTOPIA, even while I remain a big fan of community networks. I remain an advocate for fiber to the home. Ultimately that will be the answer.

I have a respectful request for all the telcos in Utah. Don't busy yourself trying to stop progress. Please be a part of the progress. Let's work together to find a way to bring fiber to the home. It won't happen tomorrow. There are steps we can take to ease the transition. Wireless is promising, at least in the short run. It's not the end-all-be-all solution.

We need universal high-speed network connectivity. We need it sooner than later. You are all quality providers. And you are all taking steps to improve your networks. Customers benefit. When that happens, you win, too. But DSL isn't the long term solution, any more than wireless is. Can we all agree that the sooner we get fiber to the home the better. And then let's go out and find a way to make it happen.........
8:50:38 AM    comment []


Working deep into the night, oh, or was it deep into the early morning. Yes, I believe that is correct. Anyway, with a considerable amount of work, my 2003 blog is once again accessible on the web. What a relief!

I haven't said much about it, but every time I've thought about not having that available I feel this churning in the pit of my stomach. Well, no more churning. At least not about that. There is still plenty of weirdness to keep me worrying.

High gas prices.

Bush's border policy.

John Kerry's murderous endorsers.

Troops in Iraq still at risk.

And a meanness permeating the country like nothing I've seen before.........
7:49:33 AM    comment []

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Last Update: 2/8/05; 4:52:32 PM

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