Jim's Pond - Go, Explore, Contribute
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

-- Albert Einstein

Monday, November 14, 2005


I've been very busy for, oh, the past few years, really. But even more so since early Saturday. I'm attending a new conference, at least new to me. Super Computing, also known as SC05 is happening in Seattle this week. Things here kicked off on Saturday and continue right on through until Friday, November 18th. I didn't arrive until late Saturday night and registered early on Sunday morning.

What is it with Sunday conference sessions? I noticed that last month's Internet 2 confab had a Sunday component. I've been attending this sort of gathering for a couple of decades now and never been associated with organizations that have major activities on Sunday. So I've been having trouble wrapping my mind around what day of the week it is. Essentially what it boils down to for me is -- no weekend.

I'm anxious to spend time with conference participants and see what is going on with advanced, high-performance computing. Yesterday was interesting. Just reading through the program was enlightning, even challenging. It's not that the words are difficult. But understanding the context is something else. Super computing draws a different crowd.

For example, I sat in on an I/O tutorial yesterday. Somebody "claimed", without any apparent BS, that he was dealing with well over a petabyte (whatever that is) of storage and was rapidly moving to 2. (Okay, before you email me to tell me that a petabyte is 1000 terabytes, just know that I do understand the definition, But I don't really know what it is, just like I understand the concept of a billion dollars, but I really don't know what it would be like to have that much money in my investment account.) At UEN we have a couple of terabytes, so it is all a question of scale. Determining just when/if I/O monitoring tools will help us at UEN is interesting to contemplate. How do we compare our different environments and make any real comparisons?

The next few day will be very interesting. There is much to observe and think about.........

3:02:49 PM    comment []

© 2005 Jim Stewart
Last Update: 12/14/05; 10:59:41 AM

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