Jim's Pond - Go, Explore, Contribute
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

-- Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Surprise visit

The phone rang this morning at 10:50. I answered, being the only one home. This is unusual, since calls to my house are rarely for me. But we've been expecting word from Bob because he is coming home for a two week leave from ---- the middle east.

It was Bob. He was talking pretty fast. He was in Texas. If he got bumped up he could catch the 1:00 flight. So if we didn't hear from him in the next hour or so, he was on the 1:00. Then he had to go and that was the end of the conversation.

Everyone wanted a full recap of the conversation as they returned home over the next hour or so. My retelling was universally disappointing. What airline? Arriving at 1:00 or departing at 1:00? I wasn't given that much information. Donna investigated and thought Bob would be on an American Airlines flight arriving at 3:28. I checked a few airline schedules and thought that maybe he would be on a Delta flight arriving at 2:02. But the truth is, we didn't know.

The other complicating factor is that I had to catch a 2:45 flight to Cincinnati. So I figured that I'd miss seeing Bob.

As we approached the airport, Bob called. He was in terminal one. I dropped Bob's mom and the grand boy off at the curb, checked in with the sky cap at the Delta terminal and had just enough time to run over and see Bob for about a minute before getting through security and up to my flight. I cut it pretty close, but it was worth it just to have a few seconds with Bob before dashing off to destinations east...............
5:08:15 PM    comment []

© 2005 Jim Stewart
Last Update: 12/14/05; 10:59:10 AM

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