STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:41:39 PM.




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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Train horns latest fad, irritant on Florida streets

Knight Ridder Newspapers

(KRT) - On a February afternoon, five high school students lounged patiently on a bus-stop bench in Westchester, Fla.

Lino Alvarado Jr. slowed his truck to a crawl, smiled, and unleashed more than 150 decibels of sound from a dozen train horns attached to his truck's undercarriage.

"Did you see those kids flinch?" Alvarado, 20, said as he breezed through a stop sign. "But old people are even better."

The students were blasted by one of the area's hottest vehicle customization trends.

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