STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:44:17 PM.




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Friday, March 18, 2005

Friends and loved ones have on occasion observed that The Usual Suspect tends to over analyze things, often seeing complex conspiracies where only simple ones exist. That's probably the case when it comes to the current round of national negotiations between the railroads and their labor. Fortunately we know a brother, older and wiser, who comes to our rescue with just the right explanation of the way things are. Says he,

"It's like this: the government and the carriers are the executioners and the union bureaucrats are the priests and ministers that persuade the condemned man to go peacefully to his doom."

If you think this makes altogether too much sense, please send us your thoughts on where you think we should go from here.

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Hey Rube, public service is a myth. Everything is business and subject to the "magic of the marketplace." Never you mind that public dollars are subsidizing the private sector. The Cheap-Labor Conservatives want you to pay for everything and get nothing in return but a sub-standard slave-labor type job. More money for them. More work for you.

The Usual Suspect prefers data-based scientific analyses but will regress to anecdotal evidence in this case. On his trip via AMTRAK to and from the last UTU International Convention in Anaheim, CA., the U.S. had the opportunity to talk to many fellow travellers and AMTRAK employees. The trains were full. The passengers were happy to be travelling by rail. The employees were happy to be providing a valuable and in demand service to the public. Everyone we talked to was in favor of national passenger rail service and the trains were running at maximum capacity. So what's the problem? A Cheap-Labor Conservative puppet in the White House is the problem, we think.

Senate Doesn't OK Amtrak Funding Boost


Published: March 16, 2005

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An effort in the Senate to increase federal subsidies for the Amtrak system failed Wednesday.

The amendment, offered by Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., would have added $1.04 billion to government financial assistance for the system. It failed on a 52-46 vote.

The amendment was co-sponsored by 23 senators, mostly Democrats. Two Republicans from the Northeast -- Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island -- also voted for it.

In his 2006 budget, President Bush proposed eliminating Amtrak's operating subsidy and setting aside $360 million to run trains along the Northeast Corridor if the railroad ceased operating. In the budget year that ends Sept. 30, Amtrak receives $1.2 billion in operating subsidies and capital investment.

Byrd's amendment to the Senate fiscal year 2006 budget resolution would have brought Amtrak's funding to $1.4 billion, when added to the $360 million.

Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said the amendment's failure showed that the Senate is ``ready to begin an earnest discussion on the best way to undertake desperately needed reforms to put intercity passenger rail on a stable footing for the future.''

Amtrak spokesman Cliff Black declined to comment.

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The following letter to all U.S. rail general chairpersons and state legislative directors was sent today (March 17) by UTU International President Paul C. Thompson:

National negotiations have completely broken down. The carriers served a Section 6 notice on the operating organizations demanding the right to consolidate all train and engine service positions.

The preamble to this notice clearly articulates that the proposed consolidation of operating positions contemplates the use of new, technologically advanced train control systems which enhance productivity and provide additional safety benefits. In other words, we were told that with the introduction of these emerging technologies in the workplace, certain through-freight trains could be safely and efficiently operated by one onboard employee.

We were originally led to believe that in the context of the carrier's Section 6 notice, the term "technologies" and so-called "positive train control" was one and the same.

On March 2-3, 2005, the National Transportation Safety Board held a symposium on positive train control in which every major railroad was represented, as well as the UTU and other rail labor unions. Out of this symposium came solid information confirming that the technologies on which the carriers based their Section 6 notice are not perfected to the point that they can accomplish what we were originally informed was possible.

In fact, none of the carriers are currently pursuing the concept of positive train control, but rather are experimenting with various forms of far-less-effective operating systems. Each of the railroads are moving in different directions, using different technologies, and it was clearly indicated that none of the systems are capable of being interchanged or transported onto a foreign carrier's property.

Several of the railroads clearly indicated that they do not have the ability or desire at this time to implement any of the systems. Furthermore, the Association of American Railroads testified that the underlying technologies "were not proven to be reliable" and "are not ready for revenue service."

It took only four short negotiating days to learn that the carriers' Section 6 notice has absolutely nothing to do with technologies. It constitutes a ploy to completely dismantle UTU's existing crew consist agreements.

In fact, we were advised that in the opinion of the National Carriers' Conference Committee (NCCC), crew consist agreements are nothing more than "protection agreements" and not "employment agreements." While we surmised that this was the carriers' intent all along, it took four days of negotiations to finally get the NCCC to admit their true intentions regarding our crew consist agreements. During the first three days, they played on words in an attempt to disguise their true intentions regarding the matter.

On March 15, 2005, UTU filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois in East St. Louis to stop the railroads from demanding the union collectively bargain with the carriers over their desire to abolish all conductor jobs aboard through-freight trains and brakeman positions on locals and road switcher assignments.

One only has to look at the history of crew consist to establish just how credible the carriers are when they negotiate an agreement and collectively agree in writing to include moratoria provisions. In spite of those provisions, on most properties the carriers have come back not once, but twice, and sometimes three and four times, seeking to make further reductions to our crew consist provisions. Each time, they demanded additional concessions after assuring our general committees that there would be no further reductions in crew size. Even their written commitments are not to be trusted.

UTU is going to be proactive and go the limit to protect our crew consist agreements and make the railroads live up to their written commitments.

The very people who have worked day and night to help the industry enjoy record profits are the ones they are now attempting to eliminate so that additional record profits can be made. Railroad workers today, in assisting the railroads in their daily operations, suffer from fatigue and lack any kind of quality of life with their families. This latest attack destroys the trust that the employees have in their employer. Nothing can ever be gained by destroying the morale of the work force.

I want to thank each operating employee on every railroad for his or her support and understanding of the serious issues currently facing our industry.

Fraternally yours,

Paul C. Thompson
International President

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