STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:43:04 PM.




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Sunday, March 13, 2005

From the UURR Forum comes some UP bashing posts directed toward Jim Young's appeal to UP employees to help pump up the train velocity.

Off the UURR

Hey Jim Young, if you really wanted to increase velocity you'd get rid of
by Anonymous

Didn't UP lose $60 million from Budweiser to trucks because it couldn't
deliver beer 300 miles in 3 days?

This is what should be on you're website: Plugged RCO yards = plugged
sidings on mainlines that are full of dead trains that can't get into the
plugged yards. All the power to run new trains is out sitting on the dead
trains. So men and power are pissed away on trains that aren't going
anywhere, because there's no space in the yards for the trains to go to.
When you do get a train built in the plugged RCO yard and scrape together
some old blisters for power, there's no place for the train to go out on the
main line, because there's no sidings left to make meets and another train
goes belly up, repeat, etc.

At least that would have honestly identified that RCO caused the problem,
RCO is the still problem and RCO will remain the problem. This is because
the UP spent so much money on the technology trying to cut all those wages,
that in the euphoria of greed, somebody forgot to figure in or grossly
underestimated the cost of lost business, shipper litigation, double and
triple crew starts and wasted power/fuel costs as a result of RCO. So the
grand experiment failed, period. Time to cut the losses. But who will step
up and admit to that? Better keep those coal mines open, because that's all
that's propping up this house of cards.

"Increase velocity" is nothing but an empty phrase (smoke and mirrors)
without a real defined plan to increase productivity in the yards. There is
not one major RCO yard where that occurs. RCO is very slow. And in the
massive numbers of RCL the UP is using, that slowness in every yard cascades
into a melt down of the whole operation. But don't believe me, I just see
the switching performance and number of re-crews first hand, just ask UPS
why UP can't handle it. They'll probably tell you the truth, how refreshing!

Hey Jim Young, if you really wanted to increase velocity you'd get rid of
by Anonymous

Is any hoghead going to care about velocity when Jim's event recorder
readers in Omaha are looking for any sillyass reason to disipline them? They
force us out there all night long with no rest because of the often bogus
lieups, then criticize the engineer against a digital standard of
perfection. Most hogheads are slowing down not speeding up.

Posted on Mar 12, 2005, 8:00 PM

They're so damned anal about those black boxes, some pencil neck in an
office who's never run a train gets a bonus for finding enough chicken shit
discrepancies to fire an engineer, and they want us to help them. Guess
those on 30 day suspensions have the most time on their hands, maybe Jim
Young will ask them to volunteer to offer "increased volume" suggestions.
Like to read those results.

Posted on Mar 12, 2005, 11:04 PM

Turning the transporting of train crews over to drivers and dispatchers that
make about $0.15 a mile creates a constant turnover of new people who don't
stay on the job long enough to learn how to locate a crew. Rezenberger
dispatchers are former drivers who make minimum wage and that's the whole
system as far we see it.

Compared to $20 a hour clerks who stayed on the job 20-30 years and knew all
the nooks and crannies needed to get to some of the obscure locations, these
lost Renzenberger folks can't be blamed for moving on to better pay. Now
you'd think a smart guy, paid as well as Jim Young might know you get what
you pay for. But evidently he's unaware of all the time wasted on blunders,
direction less and completely lost drivers who are busy filling out the next
job application. Some of our crews wait 4, 6 and 8 hours after they're dead
for a ride! Some of the starved drivers end up using the vans to run drugs
to pay their bills and go back to prison. So the mess gets worse, especially
with the rents in cities.

Probably looks good on shuffled budget paper, but the results were in years
ago on this outsourcing loser, it failed miserably. Talk about smoke and
mirrors, the whole UP railroad is one lie covering another.

Posted on Mar 12, 2005, 11:38 PM

There is no better learning'
By Debbi Gardiner
Published: March 7 2005 02:00 | Last updated: March 7 2005 02:00

Strong, poised and calm, MBA students from Kenan-Flagler Business School at
the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, take the stand. It is
Saturday afternoon but the room is half-full. Two teams follow suit but when
a judge declares Chapel Hill the victors, the crowd cheers.

This is Carnegie Mellon University's ninth annual Tepper International Case
Competition. Top-ranking MBA schools send their best and brightest students
to help Union Pacific Railroad, this year's main sponsor, theoretically
minimise its crew-van costs, now in the millions of dollars.

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