STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:44:50 PM.




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Thursday, March 24, 2005

UTU, carriers sign joint letter
Although the UTU and most major railroads represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee (NCCC) mutually broke off negotiations March 15, both sides have agreed that negotiations with regard to rates of pay, rules and working conditions not be considered as terminated and that neither side will exercise self help at this point.
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Arkansas Republican John Boozman, whose district includes Wal-Mart's corporate headquarters, wants to help Wal-Mart's truckers. Haven't you felt the love that the Cheap-Labor Conservatives and their corporate bosses have for us working stiffs? Mike "has he said yet how much he hates these people" Malloy was discussing this issue on his radio show and got calls from several truckers who claimed Wal-Mart makes them pay to get their trucks unloaded. Ho hum, more for them, less for us. How long before the railroads demand a repeal of the Hours of Service law in order to remain competative?

Retailers want 16-hour trucker workday
Critics: 'Sweatshop-on-wheels amendment'

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 Posted: 7:35 PM EST (0035 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Wal-Mart and other retailers are lobbying Congress to extend the workday for truckers to 16 hours, something labor unions and safety advocates say would make roadways more dangerous for all drivers.


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Roger Griffeth, indefatigable head of the UTU Members Against Corruption (MAC) Caucus and UTU reform movement, sends out an email setting to rest rumors about his IP candidacy. It reads in part:
Yes - I am still running for President specifically against Paul Thompson and/or any of the following possible candidates:  Dan Johnson, David Hakey, Mike Futhey. 
In general, I am also running against any member that might seek the office of President,  but has not demonstrated any efforts to reform the UTU or acted to removed the officers that have been identified as being members or associates of the UTU Enterprise.
No - I have not joined in an alliance with any officer in the UTU.  In addition, I do not approve of the operation of the UTU by the current administration.
What are my plans for the future: My current priorities are: 1) relocate my residence, 2) establish campaign headquarters, 3) build a campaign team of loyal UTU members that are ready and willing to fight for their union, 4) dedicate as much time as possible educating the membership on the losses they have sustained because of the greed of a few good men, turned crooks.  
For those that have sent checks to help in my efforts to help the members regain control of their union, the checks remain on my desk and will not be deposited until such a time a set-up a separate account.  If this is a problem let me know and I will return your check.
Until I get set-up at my new location, and regardless of what you may hear - unless you hear it from me, my determination to advance the creation of a "corrupt free" union is unwavering. 
As always, I solict your comments, questions, or concerns.
Roger Griffeth
Candidate - President of the UTU

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