STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:44:25 PM.




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Sunday, March 20, 2005

A nice concise article on Railroad Labor and It's History can be found on the BLET New Jersey Transit Rail Operations General Committee of Adjustment website. From the conclusion:

The procedures under the Railway Labor Act have failed to provide an adequate basis for the settlement of disputes reflecting, in part, the concern of the unions over declining employment and of the railroads over competition from other forms of transportation. In addition, the deregulation of the railroad industry in the 1980s has contributed to the problems of the industry. With declining employment, the railroad unions - particularly the operating unions - have sought by negotiations with the railroads to raid each other's membership. This has resulted in severe interunion rivalry, which contributes further to instability in railroad labor negotiations.

Or which plays into the hands of the carriers and makes it even easier for them to impose the conditions of employment they desire, a form of STABILITY from their standpoint. And meanwhile the priests say, "Just pay your dues, don't jump ship, it's the best we can do under the circumstances, we may be going to our doom but we must face it like brave men and women. Amen."

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