Student Publishing & Privacy Solutions This sounds like really cool functionality:
I have been thinking of this as I work with Barbara Lüscher at Buckman Elementary and plan for the use of weblogs with her and her 5th grade students this coming fall. Am thinking that we will want to have students publish two sites. One public, and one behind a login. The public site could be for final published pieces. Pieces the student chooses to share with the public . The private site can be the site where comments are enabled to facilitate peer review, and places for drafts to be saved [Education/Technology - Tim Lauer]
What I want is a way to do that by clicking a button & setting a password. That would really be very powerful!
Problem is, tho', would people just stop having public areas??? I'm forever running up against a kind of paranoia as regards publishing to the Internet and it's kinda tempting to just push people into it... but what if they won't jump... perhaps it's something that really has to 'grow' in peoples consciousness, perhaps they need private to see the joys of public? hmmmmm... worth thinking more about too!
9:51:47 AM