Stories of Adult Learning. I enjoyed this article, which isn't really a set of stories so much as an extended account of why it is that you have to have some idea of what you're going to do with a technology before actually installing it in a learning environment. It's the old story: new technology plus old practice equals old practice plus a pile of useless junk. The article takes the time and effort necessary to clearly illustrate some useful and novel uses of technology and to how how they are improving practice. By Jamie McKenzie [OLDaily]
Yeh, Stephen's spot on there... 'online learning fails to improve learning' is pretty much always true if you're trying to teach / facilitate in the same way you would in a traditional setting and then if you're measuring the outcomes in the same way you were for a traditional setting... different people, different methods, different outcomes...
Still a bit unsure about the 'you have to know how you'll use it before you get it' argument though... OK, it's obvious good sense but my argument along the incorporated subversion line is that you can't and shouldn't try to dictate use... good use arises out of good, imaginative, empowering, 'natural' practice (well, I'm just exploring this issue now, so am defo not qualified to make sweepin' statements like that but I will anyway... heh :o)
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