Updated: 5/1/03; 10:47:31 AM.
Steve Sloan's Radio Weblog

Monday, April 7, 2003

GRIPEBLOG---Dear Netfix:

It is interesting that I cannot find an Email address or a phone number to contact you directly just this "Contact Netflix Customer Service" web page: ( http://www.netflix.com/ContactCustService?subject=Netflix+Help ) .

Can you please provide me with a direct Email address and a phone number for your customer service?

The problem is that we are neither receiving the DVD's you say you are shipping, nor are you apparently receiving the DVD's we have sent back to you.

Please look at this link. These are the movies you say I have. Note I have none of these:


The Sopranos and Company Man I never received. "Topsy-Turvy" was received, we viewed it and it was taken by me personally to a post office to be returned to you. It's hard to believe you have not received it by now. (This is the third DVD I have so returned to you that you never recieved.)

I suspect either there is either massive mail theft going on or something is amiss in your shipping and receiving department. Should I be contacting the Postal Inspectors of the US Post Office about this?

If there is massive mail theft going on I would like it to be dealt with. I am tired of waiting for mail that never arrives and tired of paying for products I never receive.

Thanks: Steve Sloan




(From: NetFlix.com Customer Service [ customerservice@netflix.com ])

Thank you for contacting Netflix.com Customer Service. We will personally reply to your message as quickly as possible. Please do not reply to this email unless pertinent information was missing from your original message. Duplicate correspondence may delay our ability to respond to your inquiry.

Did you know that you can check your order status and history directly through the Your Account link located at the top of each page?


Also, if you have other customer service questions, please check our new Customer Service Center at http://www.netflix.com/CustomerService

We greatly appreciate any feedback or comments you may have regarding your experience with Netflix.com

Again, thank you for contacting Netflix.com Customer Service.


The Netflix.com Team
4:22:02 PM    comment []

PERSONALBLOG---Some folks are so uptight! Sometimes I think the world just needs to go for a bike ride. If they did they all would understand that there is so much more to life than frustration, anger, stress and conflict. Sometimes I think if everybody would go on a bike ride they would free themselves, learn to relax, enjoy the possibilities of and the wonder of life. There is so much to cycling. Like life it has downs, ups and periods of flatness.

The Descents: I remember when I was a kid and I would watch the superman TV show, how superman would fly so effortlessly. He would just zoom up into the air without moving. He would just swing his arms to turn. I thought I would never experience it. But, I have. I will never forget the first time I rode my bike down Old Santa Cruz Highway.

Powered by gravity I flew effortlessly through the redwoods, swinging my arms, shifting my body I flew, just above the ground, on thin wheels, effortlessly, like Superman. The sheer joy of it was indescribable. It was like a flying dream; except I was awake. This was real!

The Climbs: There is pleasure even in the climbing. For me climbing is a silent often solitary activity. Quietly I climb, conserving my energy I hear every sound. My body is a machine, in the morning climbing is like a prayer. It is me, the road, the bike, the road, the trees, the birds, my thoughts; all these become one, fused in the slow climb to the top of the hill.

The Flats: From reading this you would think that riding is a solitary experience, but it is not. It is very social. Besides the climbs and the descents you have the great area of life called the flats.

No I am not talking about what happens when the air goes out of your tires. I am talking about the vast majority of land that is not steep. Those miles between the hills. These are the miles when you talk and even sing with your bike buddies.

In those miles and miles of flat riding you talk and share stories. I have worked out a great many problems and helped my friends with many of their problems over the vast flatlands between the hills. On a long ride you get to know each other very well. It is far cheaper and far healthier than group therapy.

I cannot recommend bike riding enough. People in their cars do not understand. From their metal cages they think we are looneys. They shake their heads at us. They think we are nuts, who don't belong on the road. They are ignorant, deprived of the knowledge of what it is to be so free.
3:35:20 PM    comment []

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