I am back!
The Sierra to the Sea was tons of fun. I rode 353 miles in seven days, about half the mileage I rode in 2000 when I was fitter. I had a good time and took over 400 photos. I plan to publish these to a web page soon so stay tuned. I rode mostly alone. I have been doing this more lately. It makes doing simple things, like changing layers easier. Of course this works best for taking pictures! I stopped a lot! I met some great folks, some I'd never met, some I had and some I know pretty well.
This is a great way to see our state. There is so much you miss in a car. The slow pace gave me a lot of time to think and appreciate all I was seeing. It's the little things that make this such an incredible experience; like the sound of wheat rustling in the wind, the antics of swallows darting through the air and the many smells of so many things.
Doing a ride like this gives me the feeling of being so connected to people and the land. Realizing that so much that seems so far is really close enough for us to get there in a bicycle, emphasizes to me how close we really live to each other.
One bad incident. I was driven off the road into the ditch by a semi on highway 128 coming out of Calistoga heading for the Alexander Valley. That was not fun!
I am planning to do a web site on the trip soon.
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