Jeff's New Bike
Last weekend we picked up Jeff's new bike. It is a Giant OCR team Once replica bike! It is a great bike and he seems to really like it. I spec'd the bike for him and went modified race with it. It is aluminum with carbon fiber fork and seat post. It has a racing double up front and a wide range rear cog set with a medium cage XT derailer in the back. It is a sweet combination. We even went for a short ride together. (It was on that ride that I realized how messed up I really still am!) We swapped crank sets so Ken now has a triple on his bike. It was way cool, going riding with Jeff and Ken. (I wish I could do it more.) We are talking about going to the Great Western Bike Rally together. If I can't ride my bike we may bring my scooter. Wouldn't that be a kick? Cat mattersTupper is ignoring Pixel who we think has a cold (so he is now being quarantined.) Pixel is going stir crazy in the den but Tupper seems pleased with his extradition from her domain. Of course neither of them are aware we are adding a third cat to the mix soon. We are going to Chico to see Lynn and Brian and to pick up Blue Boy tomorrow!
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