Brothers and best friends
Pixel and Shadow are half brothers and cousins. But, when we first introduced them, they were more like bitter enemies. Now they are inseparable. Yesterday Shadow got into some very sticky stuff. He got it on three paws and I had to carefully clean them. He didn't like this and was meowing complaining as I cleaned him up. Pixel was also upset that I was upsetting Shadow and tried to interfere on his brothers behalf. Even though they are only a week apart in age Pixel is noticably bigger. Shadow is the laid back one who usually falls asleep first, but when he starts sleeping usually they both soon are curled up together. Update on me I am doing much better! I was able to trade in my crutches for a cane. Hey, maybe soon I can strap the cane to my bicycle. :-) No, I am not riding my bicycle yet, but I can ride my scooter that puts me a step closer. I had to cancel my bike tour I had scheduled for this summer. Thankfully our bike club that sponsors it was pretty understanding. I got a full refund. Other stuff This coming weekend daughter-in-law Nicole is getting baptized. A week from today is Ken's Spring Concert. It is going to be at West Valley College. Diane and JC returned last weekend from a week in Washington. It sounds like they had a great trip!
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