Life beyond cats
There is life beyond cats, but just for now a cat update. The groaning and moaning and hissing is easing. This morning both kittens were even eating out of the same bowl. As Chamberlain said, "there is peace in our time." What I miss I really miss riding. Yes, I know I was hurt on a bike ride. Many of my friends and co-workers have asked me, "are you going to stop riding now?" It is funny, after Candy was killed in a car accident, after Sue was hurt in another, and after all the other folks I know and even after I was hit while in a car nobody said, "are you going to stop driving now?"
I miss the fresh air, the scenery, the fellowship and the feel of riding my bicycle. I really miss the Whine and Dine rides. I miss riding with Tyler and my friends there. I have so much fun on my bicycle. I also miss riding with Ken and Jeff. Jeff is very excited about his new bike and it is a shame we can't ride together. Speaking of Jeff He has posted these photos of their new daughter. Check them out! Update on me I am doing much better. I saw an Orthopedic doc. He has me on only one crutch now. He has also okayed me doing more exercise. I can stationary bike, swim and do a few weights. I am much more mobile and am doing a lot better!
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