All of you regular readers will just have to give us a moment to get acquainted because my guess is that a lot of new folks will be reading a blog for the first time after the N&R ran Matt Williams' story on local weblogs this morning.
The last sentence above is an example of one of the first things you need to know about blogs. Notice that both "N&R" and "story" are blue and underlined. Those are called hyperlinks in computer jargon and are very important to reading weblogs. Click on the word "story" (see I did it again) and you will be taken directly to the N&R's online version of what brought you here in the first place. Click on "N&R" and you will be taken to our local daily paper's home page.
Everytime you see a hyperlink, clicking on it will cause your browser to open some new, and usually pertinent, background source information that I want you to check out.
At the risk of bringing down the wrath of the N&R's legal department, I have taken the liberty of re-working the story that brought you here by adding hyperlinks to it. By doing what I did, everytime you read a line that reporter Matt Williams wrote like:
"In the end, most everyone got what they were seeking," wrote Greensboro resident David Hoggard on his Web site, Hogg's Blog. "But oh my God it was messy."
... clicking on the blue, underlined hyperlink will take you to exactly what I wrote back on August 5th. Click here to read the article that brought you here with hyperlinks added. Just hit the Back button on your browser to return to were you were.
Another thing you need to know is where the rest of Guilford County's bloggers are. To the right of what you are reading is a column full of other hyperlinks. There you can find other blogs that I read and every blogger I read has their own set of such links we call a "blogroll". Local blogger Dennis Elliot keeps a comprehensive list of local bloggers.
Anyway... welcome to blogging. We all hope you bookmark us as "favorites" and come back to read and converse often.
If you have something to say, just click on the "comments" sections below each post. Mine says "Got something to say?". You can comment under your real name or a psuedonym - just keep it clean and constructive. One of the best examples of such conversation can be found in the comments that were made to this post about the proposed $20M Greensboro Coliseum improvement bond a couple of weeks ago. (or was it $30M?... in any case its a pot full of money)
Oh, and by the way... by scrolling down this page you can read my last 25 blog entries. Blogs are presented to you in journal form - but in reverse chronological order. The calender to the right provides access to every post I have ever written - just click on any date and you will see what I had to say on that day.
Update 11:30a: - Guilford blogger JW to newbies, "... BEWARE - blogging can be highly addictive". Ed Cone provides information about the upcoming PiedBlog Conference mentioned in today's N&R. Greensboro is Talking wonders if Cone's conference room will be adequate.
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