Two long held traditions end this week in the Aycock Neighborhood - one we saw coming, the other... not.
World War Memorial Stadium will host its last professional baseball games this week. More on this later, but part of the traditions the old stadium held for me, mine and others is a simple badge of honor that many neighborhood children have attained over the years.
To walk to WMS from Cypress Street, we must cross two four-lane thoroughfares - Yanceyville Street and Summit Avenue. After years of accompanying children with hand holding, traffic light function observations, "too-far-ahead-of-me" beratement and a near miss or two - there comes a time when the kids will plead. "Come on Dad, you don't have to go with me - I'll be fine... all I need is ten bucks", and you relent.
With the new stadium being much further away, Aycock parents will now have to keep saying no to such pleadings until our children are of an age when walking to the stadium by themselves just won't be "cool".
Every morning, for the past five or six years, there has been a gathering at 7:00a at the corner of Percy and Cypress Streets - the school bus stop. Tradition dictates that parents wait on the bus in bathrobes sipping coffee - the kids bring UgGiOh cards, soccer balls, bicycles or whatever they think their parents will carry back to the house after the bus departs as kisses are blown through the air.
Because of the new hub system for magnet school buses, the ride from school doesn't get the kids home until over an hour after school is let out - its a ten minute car ride. After a couple of weeks of hoping the system would reduce the ride time and get closer to the 35 minutes we have been used to all these years - most parents finally formed a car pool and said "no thanks" to busing.
This morning, it was just Jesse and I - we'll have to start some new traditions for his final year of elementary school.
7:44:29 AM  