Cell phones at school are becoming as ubiquitous as "lip gloss or combs" as many school districts are relaxing the rules on students having them at school according to this article in the NewYork Times (link via Drudge).
I think this development is not necessarily a good thing, but an inevitable thing as a matter of practicality and the sheer volume of kids with phones and the parents who use them as a line of communication to their kids- case in point:
On Monday my 15 year-old sophmore, Jackson, finished his behind-the-wheel requirement to move him along the path of getting his learner's permit. So Monday night was spent getting all of the necessary documentation together in order for him to take the written test at DMV, which, of course, just had to happen the next day. (Remember 15? The world revolved around you, too, then).
Social security card? Check. Application and permission form? Check DMV release form from Grimsley saying he was passing his classes? A visit to Grimsley at 7:30a yesterday was needed. Certified copy of birth cerificate? Not in the safe, so a trip to see Kathrine Payne at the Register of Deeds was required.
Figuring this process of keeping his Dad from doing any actual work was important enough to break telephone silence - Jack called me @ 7:40, 8:20, 9:30 then 11:00 - all from school in anticipation of heading over to DMV. I finally promised him during his 11:00 call that I would call him and leave a message when his paperwork was in order and my day was completely shot - that happened around 12:30 after I handed the pile of paper over to Jinni. She called Jack and fetched him from school.(another cell phone call) and ran him over to DMV for the written exam - for which Jack told me Monday, "no, I didn't study for it - nobody studies for it."
Last call of the day was from Jinni to me (via cell phones) after she had returned Jack to Grimsley for last period and football practice - he failed, by one question. Damn (I want him to start driving) and hooray (I don't want him to start driving).
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