Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:22:22 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Sunday, September 04, 2005

After receiving a heads-up from John Young of New Garden Friends meeting, I went over to the Coliseum to listen in on a meeting of the Greensboro Pulpit Forum yesterday afternoon.  This meeting of leaders of Greensboro's faith community was called to enlist their considerable support in advance of the arrival of up to 500 storm displaced evacuees to Greensboro within the next day or so.  It was quite a show of the faithful force.

The Forum was charged yesterday with identifying housing, and items needed for housekeeping, for the evacuees in coordination with the Greensboro Housing Coalition headed by Beth McKee-Huger.  Even though none in attendance yet knew the ages, needs, medical condition, nor famililial make-up of the people who were likely to arrive in Greensboro within the next couple of days, the group laid the groundwork to assimilate these folks into Greensboro for what is likely to be an extended period of time.  "Tell people that they before they volunteer their homes, they need to understand that it is not a two week commitment - be prepared for up to a full year of hospitality."  McKee-Huger implored.  She then gave the targeted time line for moving people out of the Coliseum, "Publicly we are saying two weeks, but the truth is we want them out of here and into normal housing almost immediately."

To get the flow of information out to the various Pulpit Forum leaders in the coming weeks, the group set up a website that will serve as a clearing house for information and requests-of-need as the situation develops: ncdisasteraid.org.

Neil Belenky, president of The United Way of Greensboro, also said his organization, who is coordinating the efforts at the Coliseum, would like to see people transitioning out of there within days of their arrival.  When Coliseum director Matt Brown was asked about possible conflicts with other events scheduled for the Special Events Center, Brown said, "We have a large event setting up on September 19th, we'll be alright until then."  Brown went on to say that he and his staff will do everything they can to accomodate the evacuees at the Coliseum, "It is our goal to provide these people with an atmosphere of dignity for as long as needed..."

Brown outlined everything that had transpired to that point and about how all of the needs of the Red Cross Disaster Relief venue had been met in less than 18 hours.  New pillows for each person were donated by Pillow-Tex and Walmart, Proctor & Gamble was providing all toiletry items, Healthtex is providing all of the children's clothing and other retailers/manufacturers have been contacted for underwear and outerwear for everyone coming in.

After the meeting, I walked through the facility.  Two lounge areas have been set up in the space complete with 55" televisions.  A medical station is in place as well as a baby changing area replete with all needed diapers and other baby needs.  A carpeted play area for children was cordoned off in the cavernous room with another large screen TV and a whole host of stuffed animals (proudly donated by Aycock Neighborhood children, including a prized ones formerly owned by my own Jesse and Josie).

In a nod to the overwhelming response of people contacting the coliseum and local relief agencies to try and do something to help, Belensky wanted to make sure that the public doesn't overwhelm agencies with things they really don't need, "We can't handle folks bringing in boxes of food and other goods.", he said.  He reiterated that the best way for folks to help is make a donation to the Red Cross - between them and FEMA, everything happening at the Coliseum has been provided for.

A poignant moment came during the meeting while everyone was rallying ideas and resources in support for the group of refugees headed for Greensboro .  One of the ministers, I didn't catch his name, brought everyone gathered back to a local frame of mind when he rose to speak, "Let us be sensitive to the fact that there continues to be homeless neighbors among us right here... today.  With the outpouring of charity we are seeing here... while we work to welcome new people into our communities, let us reserve some of our compassion and caring for those who are already here."

His sentiments received a rousing round of "amens" and applause.


Update: David Wharton has an email from our neighbor Mebane Ham who coordinated a bunch of Aycock neighbors yesterday morning at oh-my-God-o'clock to go over to the coliseum and help set up the cots at the Coliseum.

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