Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:22:25 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I received a check from Altmedia101.com yesterday.  Not a big one, mind you... but it IS actual money and a damn fine start for Roch Smith Jr.'s efforts at bringing local advertisers to the eyeballs of participating local weblog readers.

I did nothing for the money except place a few lines of code in my site's bowels which produces the ads showing up over there in the right hand column.  If you are a Greensboro blogger, you should do it, too.  Go here.

If you are a local advertiser who wants to reach an infuential cross-section of highly involved citizens with a ton of money to spend on stuff you are trying to sell.  Go here.

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When President Bush took the blame for the Federal response to Katrina yesterday, Guilford GOP chairman Marcus Kindley quickly posted how he admired our president for being "A stand up president".  And I agreed in the comments, it was good to finally hear my president act presidential even if it was a belated response to overwhelming evidence that the adminstration had indeed bungled Katrina relief efforts.

But Marcus couldn't leave it at expressing his admiration for our president.  No, as is his way, he felt the need to hold up examples of lies told by Clinton and Kerry as evidence that Bush is the better man because he owned up to a mistake in this instance.  To which Sue says in the comments, "When Clinton lied, nobody died.... You gotta get something else to yank out when you need a big one. Clinton's just not making it for you anymore."  To which Marcus responds with a litany of events during the Clinton administration during which people did indeed die.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.  Give me a figgin' break - the both of you.  I responded there, and now here.

Clinton lied to cover up a blowjob, Bush lied to send us to war. Both were liars, but there is a matter of import to consider. On that count Bush loses the contest.

Regardless, both presidents lied and I continue to be sickened by both instances and the public's response as demonstrated here.  Has the dialogue gone so low as to say, "My president is less of a scoundrel and liar than your president was."

That is the problem that the public is increasingly having with this whole partisan mess.  A pox on both the "liberal" and "conservative" houses for continuing this race to the bottom of the slop pile.

And you can quote me on that.  Jeez.

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I just got off the phone with a friend who echoed concerns from many other contacts I have had in the last several days.  "Is everything OK?", he asked.

I suppose that one of the benefits and curses of having a life that it shared by so many is that Jinni and I have developed an extended family like no other.  As with any family, if a member goes silent... something must be wrong.  Well it is not. We are fine.  But I sure appreciate the concern.

Since school started, the Hoggard family has barely had time to talk among ourselves.  We go from sun up until sun down with hardly a break.  We will settle back in to "normal" soon, but right now life is crazy.

Since Jinni finished the last of her chemo treatments we just have not dwelled on cancer stuff much.  Her hair is coming back, as is her sense of taste.  She is feeling fine.  She went in to see her radiologist last week to get prepped for the seven weeks of daily radiation that will start next week.  They drew lines all over her chest in order to calibrate the area of treatment and she is under instruction not to shower any more than absolutely neccessary to preserve the mapping.

You will be hearing from her yourself soon because the next installment of Jinni's Journal is scheduled for publication in the N&R this coming Monday.  I'll not steal her thunder here.

Our 21st wedding anniversary is tomorrow but because of our schedules, the celebration will not be until the weekend.  Busy, I tell you.

As for me, I have been getting my share of High Point University's campus improvement money.  Double Hung has been restroring the windows in the Old Student Union Building since July 11th.  We finished the job this past Friday.  Business is good but money is still tight.

Tonight I chair my first meeting of the Greensboro Parks & Rec Commission.  You can catch it on Channel 13 starting @ 6:00.  I had a conversation with P&R Director Bonnie Kuester yesterday and she (jokingly) urged me to be on my best behavior.  I told her I would do the best I can in that regard but no promises.

Anyway... we are here and we are fine.  Just very busy.  But I do know that I'd better get back on the job at this here blog in order to keep my first place ranking in the Best Blog category over at Go Triad's Reader's Choice Awards.  The polling closes on Friday.  Vote early.  Vote often

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