Updated: 4/20/2004; 8:11:33 AM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Blogging for jobs

To see if anyone is blogging about the job situation, I entered “blog jobs” into Google. It responded with, “Did you mean to search for: blowjobs?” Uh, no. Anyway, I found the BostonWorks.com Job Blog, where there were a couple of interesting links:


Curt Rosengren at The Occupational Adventure Blog suggests getting a perspective on your career by asking “Is this where the joy is?” Well, yes, actually. I love what I do. I just want to do more of it. But how in this market? Maybe I have to look further into his passion-based success model – see if I can re-inject some energy into my career.


Then there’s this article at Fast Company that says the new power model is being open about your bad side: “What are the top five negative attributes – or ‘annoyances’ – that you can claim as your own?” Your bitchiness? Ditziness? Are you ambitious? Passive? Play it up, says this article. Hmm. I’m sure there’s something to be said for being yourself, warts and all. But aren’t there enough people out there being annoying?


Long, hard slog

I woke up in a bad mood this morning. This happens more often when I don’t have work to get out of bed for. Like so many Americans, I’m hurting in this economy. I work for myself, so I’m not included in the unemployment figures. I couldn’t collect when my thriving writing business came to a virtual standstill the last half of 2001. It picked up some in 2002 and 2003, but it’s bringing in half my regular income. I would have a hard time getting a job now even if I decided after 11 years to bag free agent nation. It’s feeling like a long, hard slog.


Mark Zandi, chief economist at Economy.com, is saying, "I think it's going to be a long slog in the jobs market.” He’s echoing Rummy infamous warning of “a long, hard slog” in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today the BBC quotes Tory leader Michael Howard, “We have got a long, hard slog to convince people we can serve them better than the present discredited government.” It’s the upbeat slogan of the day.


So I’m blogging through the slog. Plenty of time to write. And plenty of time for exercise and for rest, when I can sleep. I could be doing more dating, but it’s hard to work up the energy. I could probably market my business more aggressively, but like all those folks who have been sending out massive quantities of resumes, it doesn’t seem to get you anywhere.


I’m wondering what other people are doing to get through the slog. Any thoughts?


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