Updated: 3/16/2004; 6:29:06 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Tuesday, November 18, 2003

In the lion's den

I admire people who can argue well and hold their own in the face of verbal onslaught from those with opposing views. It’s not my forte. Maybe I’m too sensitive or I didn’t grow up learning that people can argue respectfully and not “win” by humiliating the other person.


That’s one of the reasons I was fascinated by liberal Salon staff writer Michelle Goldberg’s account of hobnobbing with the “conservative elite” at Restoration Weekend – including “House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, ultra-right strategist Grover Norquist, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris of Florida, and neocon ideologue Daniel Pipes.”


Being comfortable standing your ground makes it a helluva lot easier to listen to what others are saying when you don’t agree with them. Goldberg’s take on the weekend: “The self-regarding humanitarianism that the right wrapped itself in before the war with Iraq is beginning to fray and chafe… there was anxiety about the postwar situation, and anger.” Many were pessimistic about the possibility of democracy taking hold in Iraq. You can read the article for more (salon.com requires paid membership).


Goldberg and another liberal were invited to speak on a panel about the antiwar movement. Her goal was to “help some in the audience see the real reasons why millions took to the streets to protest the war”:

"Groups like ANSWER let you dismiss Bush's opponents as loony nihilists," I said, "but I met many people at antiwar demonstrations who have as much claim to American-ness as anyone at this conference, and they're afraid of where you want to lead this country…

“If the American people, feeling betrayed, force their country to betray the Iraqis, this war will have won us nothing at all," I said, a line that, surprisingly, was applauded by some of the audience, people who perhaps really believed that this was a war for democracy.

Goldberg reports they spent "the next 45 minutes in an increasingly heated debate with the entire room," but afterwards she was surprised to be approached by Katherine Harris, "who was gracious in complimenting me and saying she agreed that we must not betray the Iraqis again." Like I said, more in the article.


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