Updated: 3/16/2004; 6:29:15 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Friday, November 07, 2003

Never mind
I ate a lot of salmon last year. Hey, it's good for your skin (honestly, my skin was noticeably smoother and clearer), your heart, and it tastes pretty good, too. Then all the word about PCBs in farmed salmon came out. Now
this: "They're so confined that they're essentially stewing in their own feces." Eewwww.

That stir-fried tofu and veggies sure tasted good tonight.

Meanwhile, this article in the Christian Science Monitor looks at efforts aimed at "cultivating halibut, haddock, cod, and mussels up to 8 miles offshore and deep below the ocean's surface." This supposedly avoids the pollution associated with harbors and shallower water. Drawbacks include potential for negligence, leaving fish penned out there deeply submerged for too long. Like I said, that tofu tasted pretty good. Supposed to be good for ya, too.


The Cube

Twilight Café posted this cool Sufi game called The Cube. It’s way better than those games where you write down a number, then a color, then a song, etc. and that's supposed to tell you something about yourself. The Cube calls upon your imagination, so it’s a lot more effective. It gives surprising insights. And… it’s fun! Go to the Twilight Café here, or use my re-posting of it here. When you're done - and only when you're done! - the interpretation key to The Cube is here.


Today, NPR's
The Connection looks at Howard Dean's internet strategy:

Dean has already raised more than $30 million online. Campaign insiders describe life in the blogosphere, talk earnestly about "empowerment", and spend time socializing in "meet-ups." Rivals and skeptics say the Dean camp is full of white, upper-income latte lovers more suited to the virtual world of online chat than the real world of hard-knuckle politics, and that the internet buzz won't translate to votes. Virtual Dean. The money, medium and the message.

Blogging of the President

Not to be outdone, Christopher Lydon, the former dueño of The Connection, wants to create an “open exploratory conversation till the first Tuesday of November next year about this choice of an American chief” and is setting up a new blog that he’ll call “simply” (ha!): "notes on the transformation." See his current site for more.


Sue the spammers!

Joe Duemer at Reading & Writing traced a comment spammer’s IP and sent him an invoice for $200 for “advertising” on his weblog. The guy actually responded, and after several emails Duemer reached “Mr. X” – the “slime-sucking bottom feeder” – by phone. The whole recounting is hilarious – a must read.


Dems fightin' words
He also has a good bit on the Dean–Confederate flag dustup and why the Dems need to grow up and stop trying to “score nasty little debating points while Rome fucking burns.” See also the Richard Cohen column at WaPo he links to – Josh Marshall makes a similar point about Dean’s difficulty in apologizing and moving on.


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