Updated: 5/2/2004; 12:31:34 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Monday, April 12, 2004

What I'm up to...

About 5’10” last I checked.


Visited with my folks for Easter, though they weren’t much in the Easter spirit. The AD (Alzheimer's Disease) meds (or some other ones) my mom is on are keeping her awake all night, so she wasn’t feeling very cheerful. My dad says she seems to have lost interest in her computer, which used to keep her busy and entertained for hours on end. She complains constantly of being lonely – my dad’s not very sociable. She has a repetitive supply of reasons why they don’t see people often enough. On the other hand, she also always thinks it’s been a lot longer since she’s seen anyone, including me, than it’s really been. We went out to dinner, then came back and had tea and dessert (I brought them these Orange Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting that I put sprinkles on to make them a bit more festive). And we watched the Red Sox game. I left at the end of the 8th inning and got almost all the way home before the game ended with a Sox’ walk-off run in the 12th.


I’m reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, which I am loving. It’s weird to get inside the head of an autistic teenager and last night after reading a big chunk of it I noticed that I was looking at my life from this odd perspective for a little while. It's very observational without having any emotional content in the observations (although as a reader you certainly supply your own emotional coloring to fill out the story).


I’m still sleeping somewhat fitfully, and today I feel like I’m fighting off a cold. Pumping in extra vitamins and tea.


I have a fair amount of freelance work this week, which is very very good. I should get back to it…


Copyright 2004 © the 3rd house party hostess