Updated: 5/2/2004; 12:31:37 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Wednesday, April 21, 2004


Tonya has started an interesting exercise. Here's my version:


1... person I can be in this lifetime.

2... entwined at dawn, a memory.

3... sweet pups I’ve raised, all dachshunds.

4... members in my original family.

5... senses to experience the world with.

6... th sense that knows what the other 5 can’t.

7... days per week that I check my blog and my email.

8... o’clock, when I watch Mariana de la Noche.

9... times 5, the number of years I’ve lived so far.

10... fingertips touching, a connection, a prayer.


Perhaps I should have kept on counting to 12. (Anyone have the original Spanish for this Neruda poem? Ernesto?)


Security – only as good as the chocolate it's traded for

According to an impromptu survey of office workers in England, 71% would sell their souls trade their passwords for a chocolate bar. (Via the Technology Review weblog.) The rest of the findings on people and passwords aren’t much more encouraging.


Copyright 2004 © the 3rd house party hostess