Updated: 5/2/2004; 12:31:37 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The middle way

At Cassandra Pages, Beth refers to Kurt’s post at Coffee Sutras on the difficulties of dealing with the current political situation – how not to get pulled into anger and hopelessness and to find a middle way – with a very thoughtful post. In part:

Our attitude toward each day is really a choice that is ours to make; people who live with adversity every day show us that way. I am most inspired by those, like Desmond Tutu, who fully know what is going on, never ignore it, and are full of joy and hope anyway. It's become clear to me that these people are the real saints, not the ones who preach gloom and doom; it is, frankly, a much harder path to get onto than the one of despair and cynicism, but once you're on it, the light you need becomes available and your eyes - even with tears in them - become much more open and receptive to the good and the beautiful.

This is something I’ve been thinking about lately both on the broader, political level and on the personal level as well – how to see things completely clearly as they really are yet continue to have faith. I have, I think, for much of my life swung wildly between despair and blind optimism. To avoid despair I’ve tried to shut out what that I intuitively know to be problems. Conversely I’ll give up faith in life despite repeated evidence that it delivers to me just what I need, though rarely at the speedy pace I desire and sometimes in unexpected form. It’s just becoming clear to me that I need to be able to have my feet firmly on the ground and my eyes wide open and yet let my heart stay open – or, as Beth says, to “fully know what is going on” and yet be “full of joy and hope anyway.”


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