Updated: 5/31/2004; 1:28:09 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Paging my alter-ego...

Alicia says her horoscope is calling for her to eat more sugar. Mine is calling for my exhibitionist alter-ego (hmm, better call out that Leo Moon and Ascendant). First StarIQ wanted me to direct the biopic of my life; now Free Will Astrology says to get up and do a song and dance to who I want to be in 5 years:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It just ain't natural for a Virgo to be a spectacular exhibitionist. We astrologers might be forgiven, then, if we've wondered how the singer Beyoncé could possibly be a member of your tribe, as she claims to be. Recently, the mystery was solved. In an interview with the Star, Beyoncé revealed that a character named Sasha takes over her body onstage. "There's no way I'd wear a short little dress and dance like that in front of all those people," she said. I bring this up, Virgo, because I'd like you to consider acquiring your own alternate personality. He or she could help you fulfill your current cosmic mandate, which is to climb to a rooftop or mountaintop or tabletop and do a song and dance dedicated to the person you want to be five years from today.


Loving what you do

Ah, that warm fuzzy feeling of loving what you do...

How I know that feeling! I remember it well. This morning I put up and took down a long, whiny post about how the nearly three years of slow economy has robbed many of us of being able to do the work we love to do, or enough of that work to keep us productive and paying the bills. I’ll stop here before I go and get all whiny again. What was that StarIQ forecast I got: “Trust that a flow exists in the universe”? A little of it can flow towards me now, please. Thank you. I’ll shut up now.


A change of scenery

Beth, from Cassandra Pages, has been writing from Montreal where they’ll be living for a month. They’re staying in a French neighborhood, going to French shops, speaking French as much as they can, and Beth describes all the curious activities of their neighborhood vividly.


I find myself jealous of their immersion in this other culture. My Monday morning Spanish lessons have been put off for one reason or another for over a month now, so I’m not practicing my Spanish much except for watching my telenovela and I’m missing my own brief immersions into the culture of my Argentine friends. I also haven’t traveled anywhere since I went to San Francisco over a year ago. I could use a complete change of scenery, something entirely new and fresh to snap me out of my same-old-same-old. Although I’m enjoying the fine spring weather with new local flora bursting open every day – lilacs are the latest – I’m getting antsy. Also, I’ve had no work so far this week; I expect something soon, but I’m still waiting. Right now I feel myself at a dead standstill. I guess it will pass.


Copyright 2004 © the 3rd house party hostess