Updated: 5/31/2004; 1:28:14 PM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Sunday, May 23, 2004

Pickup Sticks

Late yesterday afternoon in Providence, we ducked into the RISD Art Museum just before it closed. We had about 20 minutes to see the annual graduate student exhibit. Some exceptionally talented artists and interesting work. After the museum closed, we took a walk along the canal and walked by the window of the risd!kids store and got sucked right in. As their press release says, “Try to pry your child out of this store. Or any fun-loving adult.”:

Where do you begin: there’s an Eiffel Tower matchstick model kit; fruit-flavored face paints; an “outrageous projects” book that shows how to mummify your Barbie; there are kits to make a burglar alarm, a rain detector or a Morse code transmitter; color pencils, mini-crayons and markers; old-fashioned building blocks and Tinker Toys; squiggly green, purple, pink and polka-dotted psychedelic bug parts.

One of the toys we came away with was a set of short-length Pickup Sticks, which we tried out on the table while waiting for our entrees at the restaurant we went to. The white paper tablecloth tended to ruffle the sticks, so we had to allow for some minor stick movement (my generous companion allowing me quite a bit more motion than accounted for by the tablecloth, I’d say). It was fun. I can’t remember the last time I played pickup sticks.


After dinner, we went to see “Bon Voyage,” which was quite the romp – a French farce set in the 1940’s in Paris and Bordeaux just before the German occupation – hey, how fun is that? Very fun, actually! Maybe it was more enjoyable because we weren’t expecting a lot, but I’d recommend it – very entertaining.


Some bunny

I saw this little guy on a walk last week.


Copyright 2004 © the 3rd house party hostess