Kevin Schofield's Weblog
Musings on life, kids, work, the Internet, Microsoft, politics, orcas, etc.


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  Saturday, February 11, 2006

I had a really good day today. Slept in late (always a great start to a day).

Got some breakfast, worked out. Made a long list of things I needed to get done today, and promised myself that if I made good progress, I could go enjoy the unseasonably sunny weather and do a photo shoot at the zoo.

Of course, there was one problem: my camera. I discovered over the holidays that the sensor on my Canon EOS 20D was dirty, so I sent it back to Canon to clean it (after I tried myself and only made it worse). I got it back a few weeks ago, and in my first attempt to use it after that I discovered that there was a new blemish on the sensor. Bleah.

While my camera was off getting professionally cleaned, I read up on camera sensors, and learned the do's and don'ts of trying to keep it clean. And I learned the magic trick: hold your camera upside down and use a little bulb blower to blow the dust off of the sensor. So I bought one. (don't worry, all the other stuff in this package will only get used on lenses). Today I got to try the blower, and it worked perfectly. So now my camera is in perfect working order!!! Great motivation to tear through my to-do list and head out on a photo shoot...

I had a great two hours at the zoo and took some fun pictures. Uploaded the best to my flickr account. For some reason the animals were all staring at me. Not sure why, but it made for insteresting photos. It was mid to late afternoon so the ambient light was sort of dim; so I was shooting without my usual polarizing filter and that washed out the pictures a bit. But it's a fun, interesting set anyway. And it was great fun taking them (and cleaning them up in Photoshop).

11:51:48 PM    comment []

I hope you caught all this, because the Bush administration did the best it could to sweep it under the rug.

Cheney authorized Libby to leak classified information.

Abramoff and Bush had more than a passing acquaintance

The White House knew of levee failures the night Katrina hit.

Bush discloses intelligence on a thwarted al-Qaeda plot in LA, while CIA director Porter Goss claims that such disclosures hurt our efforts to catch the bad guys. The Bush administration never bothered to brief the mayor of LA on the incident, and the whole incident may be a lie. The politics of classified data.

Irony or PR stunt?


10:41:52 AM    comment []

Herein lies proof that we have the best Congress money can buy.


10:20:57 AM    comment []

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Last update: 3/1/2006; 6:43:09 PM.

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