Updated: 5/1/07; 2:23:51 PM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why paper to-do lists work better. list_1.png

Here's the thing: I really enjoy web-based list managers such as Remember the Milk, but for some reason, every time I log on to see my to-do list, I get sucked into the Mysterious Funnel of Time Wastery, which kind of defeats the whole purpose. Thus, my wholehearted re-embrace of the paper list.

Web Worker Daily agrees with me - paper lists are just more practical. They've given us six reasons why paper beats web; mostly, it comes down to convenience (I really don't want to boot up the PC every time I need to look at my list!). So, dear readers, it's cage match time: who comes out on top, paper or web-based lists? Thoughts in the comments.


[I agree. I've been electronic for a long time, but I'm switching to paper for to do and for capturing notes and thoughts. It just seems more time economical. GM]

4:14:12 PM    comment []

Interesting thought from Dave Winer. Most of you know that the source of my income is from those companies who advertise in print and online with Automation World. So, I don't hate advertising. But I don't like being inundated with ads for things that I have no interest in. Therefore the genius of Google who looks at your history and targets ads for things you should be interested in. We try to do similar targeted things at automationworld.com. "If it's perfectly targeted, it isn't advertising, it's information." Marketing in business-to-business is a different animal in many respects, but it still comes down to a conversation with people who are good prospects. As a marketer, you need to find places where these prospects gather. As a potential buyer, you need to find places to gather where others share your interests--including sellers. After seven years as a sales guy, I learned that selling in itself isn't bad--just certain types of selling.

21st century advertising.

This is what I've been talking about.

In the future, advertising will be so entertaining that it will create its own pull. No need to intrude, to hitch a ride on other more compelling content.

8/3/06: "If it's perfectly targeted, it isn't advertising, it's information. Information is welcome, advertising is offensive."

[Scripting News]
7:52:46 AM    comment []

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