Saturday, April 28, 2007 |
Jason Calacanis, whom I've quoted before, asks about abusive pricing at hotels--comparing New York and LA. Well I was just in New York. $5 per hour or $30 for all day for WiFi at the Javitts Center where Interphex was held. And it was very slow. I kept trying to upload some audio podcast files so that they could be edited and posted. Finally had to give up and wait until I was back at the Courtyard--where Internet connection was free--and fast. I carry a small wireless access point that I picked up for under $60 so that I'm not tethered to those uncomfortable hotel desks.
Almost have the May issue of Automation World wrapped up and out the door and did Mayfest Soccer Tournament referee assignments last night. The tournament is May 12-13, so don't expect any blogs or calls that weekend. I'm director of referees and will spend the weekend making sure all the pitches have refs and calming down irate coaches and parents. This is the 12th year for this. I guarantee, I've heard them all. If there are any USSF certified blog reader referees, I can probably get you a bunch of games and a hotel room if you want to come to western Ohio.
I'm not the only source of Hart Communication Foundation high blood pressure this week. Interesting thread over at Walt Boyes' blog. I think the interesting thing is that Hart is getting all the publicity. Its protocol was perhaps ahead of the times, then was eclipsed in the public eye by Foundation Fieldbus. Recently there has been a much greater appreciation of the power contained in all those Hart-enabled field devices. With Hart as part of the EDDL Cooperation Team, the protocol is finally coming into its own.
Speaking of New York City, I'm working on news items from Interphex. I'm off to a State Referee Committee meeting in Columbus, then back to finish the news.
Here's a piece from Guy Kawasaki on why good people turn bad that should cause you to stop and think. Could the power of this evil be within me? Based on research and a book "The Lucifer Effect."
7:58:02 AM
© Copyright 2007 Gary Mintchell.