
Putting Context Into Context.

This is a nice article that tries to analyze context, or elements of context that can influence design outcomes.

  • Goals: What is the user trying to accomplish? How do the user's actions fit into the objectives of the organization?
  • Process: What are the steps the user will follow? How does information flow from one step to the next? What are the various roles (such as creator, contributor, editor, or approver) that are involved?
  • Inputs & Outputs: What materials and information will the user need to successfully use the interface? What will they need from the interface to continue with their overarching goals?
  • Experience: What similar things has the user done in their past? How has the organization survived without this design in the past?
  • Constraints: What physical, temporal, or financial constraints are likely to impose themselves on the user's work?
  • Physical Environment: How much room does the user have to work? What materials on their desk? What access do they have to necessary information (such as user manuals)? What is taped to their monitor?
  • Tools In use: What hardware and software does the user currently use?
  • Relationships: What are the interconnections between the primary user and other people who are affected by the tool?
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