
Big baby. David Pescovitz:  Us.Yimg.Com P Ap 20050120 Capt.Xvc10101201208.Brazil Big Baby Xvc101 According to an Associated Press report from today, Francisca Ramos dos Santos gave birth to this 16.7 pound baby boy at a hospital in northeastern Brazli. After a Caesarian delivery, the boy, named Ademilton, and his mother are doing just fine. Link
[Boing Boing]
2:46:10 PM    

Pepsi iTunes Contest: The Tilt Still Works

tipandpeek3.jpg imageSo even though the Pepsi/iTunes promotion hasn't officially started, the bottles are already out on the street in some areas (which means New York City should get ours sometime around a week before the contest ends). John Stowe was nice enough to take some pictures of his 20 oz. bottle tonight, showing that the 'tilt-back trick' should still work. Brush those teeth and hit the streets¡Xif the sugar doesn't kill you, the carbonation will (but you'll have lots of DRM-locked music).

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
2:15:24 PM    

TERA Room Robots for Kids

tera_health.jpg imageKonami and Takara has released three new 'TERA' devices in a Kirby-esque robot shell. The blue TERA AV is a DVD player with a built-in projector in its eyes that can throw a 20-inch screen, while the yellow TERA LIFE is an air purification device, with built-in infrared thermometer and "alcoholic sensor." Lastly, the green model is the TERA SECURITY, with a motion sensor and camera that will monitor a room and send images to the TERA AV if an intruder enters¡Xunless they use the built-in biometric thumbprint sensor that slides out of its mouth.

Obviously, the TERA series is designed to be purchased as a set (when it finally comes out in 2006). And despite our possible preconceptions about the Japanese electronics market, these are actually for kids, the lucky little bastards.

However it is lovely, the ??? it is is, - - robot " TERA " for home of the ??? [ITMediaJP]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
2:10:57 PM