
Schoolkids Learn to Supplant Us with PalmOne Zire 72

school_zire.jpg imageMaybe the reason I can never keep myself organized despite a surfeit of gadgets designed to assist in that very purpose can be blamed on the Missouri Public School System. Just one state over, elementary kids at the Avery Coonly School in Downers Grove, IL, (formerly Quaalude Hollow) are successfully using PalmOne Zire 72s to write reports, keep themselves scheduled, and beaming projects to Bluetooth-equipped printers. That's much more practical than what I learned in elementary school, which was mostly how to make a turtle draw a square and how to shoot buffalo to feed my family.

 Schoolwide Deployment of palmOne Handhelds [PalmInfoCenter via Blueserker]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
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