
Quicktime player next [Edu_RSS]
2:51:02 PM    

Gaming: Nintendo "Playan" details emerge. I made an initial report o­n this o­n Gizmodo probably like a month ago, but details were pretty sparse back then. You didn't miss much, trust me.Really, it's Nintendo's official MPEG-4/MP3 player for the Gameboy SP and Nintendo DS. Alright, but for example, what video resolutions? Price? Formats? Answers to these and other questions that have been remained unanswered since the original announcement are revealed inside. Think of this as Nintendo's o­nly official attempt at stealing some multimedia thunder from the PSP. [TechJapan]
2:48:45 PM    

Yahoo's TV ambitions. SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) - I've been testing out Sanyo's recently-released cell phone that plays broadband video news updates. I figured if the emerging generation of consumers is destined to become impatient control freaks, conditioned to receive information and media when they want and where they want, I'd best understand their condition by adopting their habits. Suffice it to say, watching broadband news updates on the phone is an intolerable experience, today. There's waiting... [AlwaysOn Network]
2:45:59 PM    

US cities with highest DVR penetration: Yuma, El Paso, Los Angeles. Simmons examined the shopping habits of the American consumer to reveal the nation's markets that are tech savvy. Overall, 8.4% of the American population own or plan to buy a digital video recorder (personal video recorder). US cities with highest DVR/PVR penetration are: Yuma, AZ El Paso, TX Los Angeles, CA Miami, FL Monterey, CA More on this story at www.ITfacts.biz [AlwaysOn Network]
2:42:49 PM    

Self-Destruct Button DX

selfdestructdx.jpg imageThe Self-Destruct Button DX is a handy bit of kit to have around, especially if you access your living space through any manner of airlock. Noted as the "luxurious edition" on the product page (only the best for your last milliseconds in corporeal form), it's made perfectly clear that " Installing in the reception table, and on et cetera the foot warmer please enjoy. As for function this way as a switch completely being not to be, please note." Noted.

Home Page [LiveDoor via TechJapan via SlashdotJP]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
9:32:22 AM    

Water-Powered Calculator

waterclockcalc.jpg imageLike a groggy, hung-over writer, this calculator operates entirely powered by just a few sips of water. I'm not sure exactly what the trick is or why more gadgets don't use the very same technique, but it's particularly cool (not quite as cool as a potato-powered clock, but then what is?) RealGoods.com has the calculator or a simple LCD clock for just $14.

Catalog Page  [RealGoods via Treehugger]

Ludvig writes:

The water isn't the source of the power. The electricity is being produced by the difference in electrode potentials of the anode and the cathode which are inserted into the water (or potato). It's just a battery, it looks a little bit different, but the clock draws a very small amount of current anyway. So in other words: it is powered by a dissolving hunk of zinc.

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
9:31:31 AM    

Toshiba Ubiquitous Viewer: Control PC from Cellphone

Toshiba has developed a bit of software for Japan's KDDI cellular network that will allow users to control their PCs via their cell phones. Like VNC or Windows' Remote Desktop functionality, the 'Ubiquitous Viewer' will pass the screen displayed on the users' PCs to the cell phone, where it can be interacted with and controlled just like they were there. Of course, the limited size of a cell phone screen and less-than-optimal keypad input makes it difficult to get a lot of real work done, but having the service itself available as a platform is nice. Plus, simple tasks like setting your television software to record or your bit torrent to close down should be painless enough. Unfortunately, when the software is released in March, the target market will be corporate users instead of average joes.

Toshiba software will remotely control PCs by cell phone [ComputerWorld via MobileTracker]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
9:30:49 AM