
RFC: BitTorrent + Creative Commons License

I am proposing a standardization of how BitTorrent meta data can also describe the content according to its Creative Common licensing.


There is a lot of prior work on this subject. Firstly, the existing formats:

BitTorrent Metadata (".torrent" and ".torrent.xml" files)

XML Format (Azureus) http://azureus.sourceforge.net/files/torrent.xsd

Creative Commons meta data


Example Document


For the Azureus / BitTorrent XML format, the document could reference the CC namespace and then implement the dc: and cc: prefixed tags accordingly.

see http://creativecommons.org/technology/metadata/implement

For the for the actualy BitTorrent protocol bencoded .torrent format, the dc: an cc: tags could simply be more bencoded dictionary items added to the main dictionary object of the .torrent file.


8:dc:title12:Free Culture

This could also support complex relationships, given the URLs of related works:


Request for comments

Please comment here, or feel free to send additions, recommendations, examples, thoughts, criticisms, corrections, etc to:

winningham @ gmail dot com

Thank you,

Thomas - Thomas Winningham [WritTorrent]
2:52:15 PM    

Gametech Pocket Famicom

pocket_famicom.jpg imageThe Super Pocket Famicom has to violate some Nintendo copyright or patent or something¡XI think that's why I love it. The handheld unit is just $80 at Lik-Sang, but accepts full-sized Famicom cartridges (which was known as the NES here). The only bummer is that I'm pretty sure that the NES and the Famicom cartridges are not pin-compatible and have plastic shells with a different shape, meaning you won't be able to use any of those NES carts you can pick up for a buck on the system. Naturally, I'd love to be wrong.

Pocket Famicom Intro [Lik-Sang via GadgetMadness]

Update: Apparently Lik-Sang sells a $10 pin converter that should let you use American NES games on the machine (albeit not as securely).
Product Page [Lik-Sang]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
2:50:13 PM