
Why RSS Search Feeds Based On Web Searches Are Important. The usefulness of aggregating, filtering and eventually publishing RSS newsfeed content is not something everyone, even the insider circles has fully understood yet. Well, I guess it takes a bit of direct exposure and exploration to fully understand where the...... [Robin Good's Latest News]
3:15:52 PM    

LiveDocs email, RSS, search. LiveDocs email, RSS, search: Coolness... the online documentation has offered per-page commenting for awhile, but now you can choose to have an email notification sent to you when there's a reply, or have your RSS client pull comments and notify... [JD on MX]
3:15:25 PM    

Motion-Twin ActionScript 2 Compiler. Motion-Twin ActionScript 2 Compiler: This is in French... a machine-translation to English is here. It's described as "the first free compiler (GNU LPG) for ActionScript 2.0", and is available for Windows and Linux. I picked up the link through Eric... [JD on MX]
3:15:11 PM    

2020 Global Landscape. 2020 Global Landscape: The US National Intelligence Council tries to look ahead 15 years and find both relative certainties as well as key uncertainties. There's not much technical material here, but a lot on how international trade and communication may... [JD on MX]
3:06:24 PM    

Darth Tater: Mr Vader Potatohead. Cory Doctorow: Hasbro's latest Star Wars toy is total genius: a Darth Vader version of Mr Potatohead called Darth Tater! BAHAHAAHAHAHAA. Link (via Wonderland)
[Boing Boing]
1:31:15 PM    

Maria Gracia Subercaseaux. Xeni Jardin: Deliciously stark nude studies and some sort of mass kiss-in with Pepsodent ads on flags are part of what you'll see in this gallery of work by Chilean photographer Maria Gracia Subercaseaux.
Link, horrible flash interface with annoying sound, but the photos are sublime. (via indienudes) [Boing Boing]
1:27:45 PM    

Hello Kitty Ferrari

hello_ferrari.jpg imageThis has got to be photoshopped, but if it's not, I want to meet the person who commissioned it. Sassy kawaii capitalism kitty crossed with trombone-engined super-phallus makes my head asplode.

Hello Kitty street racer [PlsThx]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
12:34:22 PM