Updated: 11/19/05; 12:26:20 PM

 Friday, November 19, 2004
A picture named library.gif

Better return that Library Book young man!

Library offenders could go to jail BAY CITY, Michigan (AP) -- Keeping library books too long could soon land some readers in jail.

Frustrated librarians want the worst offenders to face criminal charges and up to 90 days behind bars. Full Article


Sometimes, truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

11:29:35 AM    
A picture named mtv.gifA picture named adam.jpg

I was on the treadmill last night and landed on VH1 in time to catch their show 'RetroSexual" which is a nostalgia trip for anyone who grew up in the time of decadence, sex, big hair and music (otherwise known as the 80's). It's always fun to watch these type of shows from days gone by and see how what once seemed cool and normal (huge hair, spandex, really cheesy metal -- all seems so utterly silly now. The only downer about the show was seeing all of these amazingly beautiful young vixens from the 80's cutscene to them in their modern form (many of whom have not aged all that well). I really want to remember Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science just the way she was back then thank you very much!

Ironically, as much as things change, they truly do stay the same in some ways. I remember watching Adam Curry as a VJ from 1987 to 1995 not knowing that he was even back then a Techie at heart (specifically a Mac Geek from way back) and these days, he's riding the wave of his latest brain child Podcasting which is such an interesting concept and one that I'm having a lot of fun with lately. Although not specially in the retrosexual show, Adam does have some fascinating stories on his site from the MTV days (little known fact, in the early days, they even played music on MTV - what a concept!) - As Adam says about his MTV Experiences: "Remember: They never show any of the really cool stuff on tv".

11:04:54 AM