Thursday, August 1, 2002 |
Supermodel Veronica Webb's eco-friendly electric car turned into a fire-spewing death machine the other night, burning down her Key West house and killing her beloved dog, Hercules. Apparently this happens all too often with electronic vehicles!
11:43:13 AM
Henry Kissinger. "Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem."
11:29:03 AM
DaveNet: "Moments of shared experience can be powerful connectors. They happen in the offline world when two strangers on the subway chuckle at the same funny billboard, and make eye contact as they do so. In the online world, they happen when I'm thinking about buying an iBook and I read on your blog that you've just bought one, at the same time."
10:49:01 AM
Total gratuitous video clip of Kylie Minogue riding electronic bull in lingerie. [thnx BluaP!]
12:12:36 AM
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