It's friday night, late and I spent most of the day driving, and the entire evening putting together a 'some assembly required' exercise bike. I'm beat, so I've postponed the daily source code to tomorrow morning.
Audio Feast has the right idea, but have locked in content providers with (as far as I can tell) proprietary technology. In their case it's great to see other mp3 devices supported but not supporting the iPod is interesting.
They've got an impressive management team and their advisors include a typical VC line-up.
Big names as content providers, mostly reappropriated from existing sources, but no apparent way to set up your own channel.
Peter Breuls: " aggregator, Radio UserLand, already downloads enclosures, so why create another downloading aggregator? Why don't use Radio, and extend it so I have my existing aggregator transferring the files to my MP3 device? That shouldn't be too hard, since Radio has a complete scripting environment in it."