Hugo is going gangbusters explaining how to set up a Mac for podcasting. We need the same for windows! Today during the recording of the Source Code I took a screenshot of my own desktop. Underneath the hood Hugo and I have the same bits working.
5:05:48 PM : "Dat de fans een dergelijk grotesk afscheid wensen kan ik zeker billijken maar de wat smakeloze aandacht die alle, ook zogenaamde serieuze, media nu wel besteden aan zijn overlijden komt mij wat lijkenpikkerig en bizar over. De Tros kan, Radio Twee wordt twijfelachtig en 2Vandaag gaat echt vreemd met dit onderwerp als topic vanavond."
The Register: "The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Thursday launched a public comment period on its plan to compel Internet broadband and VoIP providers to open their networks up to easy surveillance by law enforcement agencies."
Steve Gillmor: "You see, there's this new platform -- the iPod Platform -- that's emerging to compete directly against the broadcast channels of television and radio, and against the page view portal models of the Web. Already today there's a loosely-coupled software-hardware bridge that's delivering radio-on-demand to information-starved audiences trapped in their drive-time and exercise routines"