Esther Dyson: "shameless promotion here: I'm about to become an investr in Flickr, so far as I can see the richest/deepest of the photo sites."
5:18:59 PM
Jan Marijnissen verwijst naar de schandalige praktijken van de reïntegratie bedrijven. Ook werkgevers hebben veel problemen met deze commerciële instellingen. Eindeloze trajecten, dure 'diensten' die je bijna wettelijk verplicht bent af te nemen (van hun natuurlijk) en alles behalve een oplossingen gerichte cultuur.
5:12:30 PM
Oskar van Rijswijk: "Gerrit Zalm is the Dutch Finance Minister. During the illness of the PM he is the boss of the government of the Netherlands. An interesting person - e.g. he is the ideological leader in a conflict over social security with the unions, but also for more than 25 years a member of the trade union where I work.
Gerrit is also part of the blogosphere. His Dutch weblog is a daily updated political diary. Reuters now has a report on this unusual phenomenon."
Brent: "NetNewsWire does not automatically download enclosures for you at night the way Radio UserLand does. However, you can access enclosures via AppleScript and write scripts that do the downloading. (Hopefully somebody will write such a script and release it. Consider this a hint.)"
1:16:35 PM