Regular Expression Library -- presented by Training
these kinds of sample source/recipes are invaluable training and reference aids. Yup, génial comme référence...
[Via Roland Tanglao's Weblog] #
these kinds of sample source/recipes are invaluable training and reference aids. Yup, génial comme référence...
[Via Roland Tanglao's Weblog] #
W3C releases Namespaces in XML 1.1, Requirements
Two new drafts detailing the future of XML namespaces, Namespaces in XML 1.1 and Namespaces in XML 1.1 Requirements are now available.
[Via xmlhack] #
Two new drafts detailing the future of XML namespaces, Namespaces in XML 1.1 and Namespaces in XML 1.1 Requirements are now available.
[Via xmlhack] #
Pierre Charlebois' Radio Weblog
Début de mon chemin sur la grande toile...
[Via Weblog Updates in RSS] #
Début de mon chemin sur la grande toile...
[Via Weblog Updates in RSS] #
Service de courriel en ligne avec une impressionante interface dhtml... pour 30 US$ par année, drôlement intéressant...
[Via Scripting News] #
Service de courriel en ligne avec une impressionante interface dhtml... pour 30 US$ par année, drôlement intéressant...
[Via Scripting News] #
RIM to Offer Platform to Other Vendors
RIM announced that it would offer other manufacturers what it called a comprehensive hardware and software platform that could be used to build wireless devices. Besides being based on the same technology used in RIM's BlackBerry devices, the platform also is based on Java technology.
[Via allNetDevices Wireless News] #
RIM announced that it would offer other manufacturers what it called a comprehensive hardware and software platform that could be used to build wireless devices. Besides being based on the same technology used in RIM's BlackBerry devices, the platform also is based on Java technology.
[Via allNetDevices Wireless News] #
When to use an XML Database (part of Random thoughts on an XML Database)
Using a native XML DB to store relational data, or data that could easily be described by a simple and effective relational model, is, IMHO, not only wrong: it's a technological suicide. Don't let the syntax fool you: it's the schema that counts. If the schema describes a fixed set of elements, not matter how complex, you should use relational mapping. Otherwise, but this is much less common that it first appears, and only otherwise you should entering the native XML DB land.
[Via Roland Tanglao's Weblog] #
Using a native XML DB to store relational data, or data that could easily be described by a simple and effective relational model, is, IMHO, not only wrong: it's a technological suicide. Don't let the syntax fool you: it's the schema that counts. If the schema describes a fixed set of elements, not matter how complex, you should use relational mapping. Otherwise, but this is much less common that it first appears, and only otherwise you should entering the native XML DB land.
[Via Roland Tanglao's Weblog] #
Overview of Windows Outlining Programs
Une bonne ressource. Je cherche l'ultime outliner qui fonctionne dans un browser, avec xml en dessous... a date j'ai trouvé celui de Joshua Allen qui fait du XSLT... Je teste présentement Action Outline que j'aime bien, le tout est un question de touches clavier pour moi, un outliner qui nécessite la souris ca ne m'intéresse pas, trop lent! La seule chose qui lui manque c'est la capacité de faire du rich text ou du html basic wysiwygdans le panneau de droite... #
Une bonne ressource. Je cherche l'ultime outliner qui fonctionne dans un browser, avec xml en dessous... a date j'ai trouvé celui de Joshua Allen qui fait du XSLT... Je teste présentement Action Outline que j'aime bien, le tout est un question de touches clavier pour moi, un outliner qui nécessite la souris ca ne m'intéresse pas, trop lent! La seule chose qui lui manque c'est la capacité de faire du rich text ou du html basic wysiwygdans le panneau de droite... #