A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Un bon dossier d'introduction sur les technologies sans-fil dans le journal Les Affaires de cette semaine. #  

inconvenient vs impossible.
Some folks will claim an inconvenience is an impossibility as a tactic. This is what Microsoft has done regarding looser browser integration. But since Microsoft is not a person, it can't be labeled a lying bastard. Apparently Bill Gates has supported the claim separation is undoable. That's not admirable. I can't think of a way to respect that position... allez lire la suite sur le site de David McCusker #  

April 2002
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Dans mes écouteurs:

BlogAmp ne fonctionne plus? Beta c'était pourtant écrit...

04/23/2002; 8:24:42 AM

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