A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Friday, April 12, 2002

Frontier documentation project
This site tries to offer a more sophisticated approach to the UserTalk reference than the docserver.userland.com site.
[Via owrede_log#  

Web Services Schmervices or Why I don't give a Frog's ass about ebXML...

The thing with the Google API is you get used to this quite fast... and you start thinking constantly... hum a DAYPOP API would be cool, an API for Yahoo Groups and email service / contact list / calendar would be useful et why isn't there a W3C specification API, to retreive the latest version of a spec, precise section or a collection of specs updated in the last week? Hey, they list lots of stuff there that could be used for that... Sure ebXML is pushed, but 99% of the world's developpers don't care about purchase orders, procurement or bill of landings... but everyone uses the web everyday, so why not more web services to consume web ressources and applications?!?

(Notes a mes lecteurs francophones, ce post est en anglais parce que les gens avec j'ai commencé cette discussion sont plus à l'aise dans la langue de shakespeare)... #  

Stefen demande: est ce que quelqu'un peut poster des examples en PHP? Il faut utiliser quelle classe? Il y en a beaucoup :-(... Voir Accessing the Google API via PHP!
[Via Slashdot#  

aFrogintheValley and the Google API presents: The answers of the day.

From NWilson on webmasterworld.com:

I'm not so up on SOAP but could I access this API through a PHP/SOAP jobbie?

And the answer is, Google;

Top 10 hits for php soap implementation on Google
1.Dietrich Ayala | PHP + XML
2.Web services for Perl ( SOAP ::Lite, XMLRPC::Lite, and UDDI::Lite)
3.PHP Implementation of the Google Web API
4.xmlhack: ZSI: open-source Python SOAP implementation
5.xmlhack: SilverStream release SOAP implementation
6.A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies
7.ASP Free.com: ASPFree.com author Robert C.
8.The ithorn - Your peer-to-peer network, in Calgary.
9.PHP Everywhere: Creating Web Services with PHP using XML-RPC
10.ASPN : Web Services : Simple Web Services API

Update:  04/30/2002; 9:24:50 AM.

Thanks, useful enough! #  

BlogAmp... pas mal cool! #  

Un guide très bien fait pour ceux et celles qui veulent s'initier au XHTML (et CSS) produit par la New York Public Library (en anglais, bien sûr). Karl Dubost a une version française de la spec XHTML 1.1 sur son site.
[Via Ideactif Blog#  

April 2002
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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Dans mes écouteurs:

BlogAmp ne fonctionne plus? Beta c'était pourtant écrit...

04/12/2002; 12:02:06 AM

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Commentaires par YACCS