A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Google API and corpus-based linguistics
For geeks only: Will the recent release of the Google API spur on corpus-based linguistics? Computer geeks are calling Google the most democratic dictionary. Vive Vincent, quelle belle tirade de lien!
[Via Vincent's Glossblog#  

Amazon.com introduces XML for affiliates
From the site dedicated to their affiliation program: "XML gives you the power to: Choose which product attributes to display, Control how product attributes appear, Perform multiple product line searches, Build lists from multiple product categories. As this platform proves to be successful, we'll add additional features and attributes to XML documents, such as: Price and availability information, different image sizes, Author and artist, Customer ratings, The ability to specify the number of products and select attributes you want to receive".
[Via Web Voice by Olivier Travers#  

April 2002
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BlogAmp ne fonctionne plus? Beta c'était pourtant écrit...

04/16/2002; 11:06:54 AM

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