The Stencil Group's new white paper on Web services does an excellent job of mapping out the landscape and adoption scenarios for companies. Je l'ai lu vendredi dernier et en effet, c'est un bon tour d'horizon de pour les gestionnaires en technologie.
[Via Werblog] #
[Via Werblog] #
Simon St. Laurent sur XHTML:
Until and unless XHTML does more interesting things than HTML 4, I don't think it's going to go anywhere. Web developers can't seem to get past the "why" question, and the W3C's seemingly obsessive fascination with validation and constraints is less than compelling to designers who have to explain to their clients why XHTML is worth the extra work. Ça fait du sens, tant qu'à faire du document structuré, autant mordre au complet et faire du XML...
[Via Eclectic] #
Until and unless XHTML does more interesting things than HTML 4, I don't think it's going to go anywhere. Web developers can't seem to get past the "why" question, and the W3C's seemingly obsessive fascination with validation and constraints is less than compelling to designers who have to explain to their clients why XHTML is worth the extra work. Ça fait du sens, tant qu'à faire du document structuré, autant mordre au complet et faire du XML...
[Via Eclectic] #
My wishlist for this domain namespace? Wouldn't it be better if was an authoritative filter for all things CSS? With plain-english explanations of the W3C specs. (Or plain-french! Or plain-spanish. Or plain-hindi. etc.,etc...) Filled with examples. And many links to other examples, workarounds, hacks. Something a little evangelist, but also a place to push developers to challenge the evaluation and adoption process and fine-tune some already great ideas?
[Via Massless] #
My wishlist for this domain namespace? Wouldn't it be better if was an authoritative filter for all things CSS? With plain-english explanations of the W3C specs. (Or plain-french! Or plain-spanish. Or plain-hindi. etc.,etc...) Filled with examples. And many links to other examples, workarounds, hacks. Something a little evangelist, but also a place to push developers to challenge the evaluation and adoption process and fine-tune some already great ideas?
[Via Massless] #
Querying the Google API in Flash
a nice implemenation of the Google API - it'll only run on the desktop though due to the Flash security model and you'll need a Google Web API license key available from here.
[Via Flash Blog]
Socially Translucent Systems: Social Proxies, Persistent Conversation and the Design of Babble [Via Jim Roepcke's weblog] #